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الأحد، 19 يناير 2025

يناير 19, 2025

Le BIOS de ce système n'est pas entièrement conforme à l'ACPI

 Le BIOS de ce système n'est pas entièrement conforme à l'ACPI

Le BIOS de ce système n'est pas entièrement conforme à l'ACPI - que faire
 Le BIOS de ce système n'est pas entièrement conforme à l'ACPI

les utilisateurs rencntrent l'erreur « Le BIOS de ce système n'est pas entièrement conforme à l'ACPI » , ce qui provoque un écran bleu. Se produit lors du changement de système d'exploitation. Typique pour les nouveaux PC et ordinateurs portables (Asus, Lenovo, Dell, HP), sur lesquels le système d'exploitation est installé pour la première fois

Raisons de l'erreur

Si vous n'approfondissez pas profondément le BIOS, alors, en termes ordinaires, tout s'exprime par un échec des paramètres. Autrement dit, les paramètres d'usine du BIOS ont été modifiés pour devenir ceux qui ne sont pas compatibles avec l'option ACPI. Le conflit conduit à l'impossibilité d'installer Windows (7/8/10).

Nous corrigeons un bug de compatibilité ACPI

Nous avons rassemblé les meilleures solutions à ces problèmes sur différents forums thématiques, il ne vous reste plus qu'à choisir la plus simple et les essayer.


Les informaticiens suggèrent de ne pas prendre de risques et d'essayer simplement de retirer la batterie de la carte mère. En chemin, nous retirons la batterie dans le cas d'un ordinateur portable. Après quelques minutes, nous retournons tous à nos places. C'est ainsi que le BIOS est redémarré.

Une méthode alternative

On ouvre les paramètres du BIOS, ils sont différents pour chacun (F2, F11, etc.). Nous recherchons "Quitter" à la toute fin du menu racine. Peut-être qu'il y aura une commande "Charger les paramètres par défaut" . Si c'est le cas, une réinitialisation d'usine sera utile.

Nous vérifions le menu de démarrage, ou plutôt l' option Boot List Option , où nous définissons Legacy au lieu de UEFI , puis enregistrons, redémarrons et essayons.

Nous apportons des corrections

Le BIOS est parfois optimisé pour un système d'exploitation spécifique. Pour résoudre ce problème, vous devez ajuster la valeur « Paramètres par défaut optimisés du système d'exploitation » . Vous devrez chercher par vous-même. Après avoir trouvé l'élément, sélectionnez l'installation correcte pour "64 bits, Win8" ou "Win7 OS" , l' endroit où vous devez choisir - "Autre système d'exploitation" peut être un peu différent . En fonction du système d'exploitation choisi.

Ensuite, dans le paramètre "Configuration" "Mode USB", nous revenons à "USB 2.0" . Peu importe ce qui y est actuellement sélectionné. L'essentiel est de réduire cet indicateur. Mais en cas d'élimination du bug "Le BIOS de ce système n'est pas entièrement conforme à l'ACPI", nous renvoyons tout, sinon le port fonctionnera à moitié puissance.

السبت، 21 ديسمبر 2019

ديسمبر 21, 2019

أفضل برنامج تصوير بالموبيل بجوده عاليه جدا

أفضل برنامج تصوير بالموبيل بجوده عاليه جدا 

تعد برامج التصوير للاندرويد في الاونة الاخيرة من الاشياء الضرورية لكل هاتف اندرويد واليوم سوف نقدم لكم مجموعة من برامج التصوير الرائعة لهذا النظام التي ستغنيك عن برنامج التصوير الرئيسي الذي ياتي مع اي هاتف أندرويد وذلك لما لها من الخصائص والميزات التي ستبهرك بالحصول على صور سيلفي رائعة لك ولاحبائك اثناء استخدامك لها طبعا كل هذا سنتطرق اليه بالتفصيل .

طبعا هناك العديد من برامج التصوير لكن سنتخاتر لك افضلها واحسنها لان هناك برامج تصوير احترافية وتحمل العديد من التاثيرات والماثرات التي تضفي نضرة رائعة لصورنا والتي ستغنينا عن باقي برامج التصوير الاخرى.

برنامج Camera360 Ultimate

يعد برنامج Camera360 Ultimate من افضل واحسن برامج التصوير للاندرويد  وذالك للتقييم الجيد من الموقع المشهور ايجي مودرن, اذ يضم العديد من الميزات والخصائص  التي ليست في غيره من برامج التصوير.

امكانية التقاط صور وذلك بمختلف الابعاد التي قد تحتاجها باستخدام المربع الموجود اسفل كما انه من خلال الضغط على كلمة Magic Skin من اضافة بعض التأثيرات الضوئية علي صورملتصقة .

كما ان برنامج التصوير هذا يحتوي على مكتبة غنية التأثيرات التي يمكن استخدامها على صورك لتبدو بشكل رائع وجميل من خلال استخدام الزرين أثناء عملية التصوير منه Retro و Sketch لتحويل الصور الي صور كانها مرسومة بالرصاص . 

كما ان برنامج تصوير Camera360 اثناء استخدامك لشبكة الانترنت يمكنك من تحميل العديد من التاثيرات الاخرى التي تروقك وتستخدمها لصورك بشكل سهل.

ومن خصائص هذا البرنامج انه به العديد من الادوات الاخري التي لا تقل اهمية عن ماذكرناه لك ونترك لك الفرصة لاكتشافي باقي ادوات البرنامج والاستفادة منها بشكل جيد.

يمكنك تحميل البرنامج من هنا.

الأحد، 10 نوفمبر 2019

نوفمبر 10, 2019

مشكل فيروس تشفير الملفات وتحويل امتدادها الى .Derp

مشكل فيروس  تشفير الملفات وتحويل امتدادها الى .Derp

Derp file extension. How to remove virus. Restore, Decrypt .derp files.

.Derp file extension is used by the latest ransomware, which belongs to the STOP ransomware group. Ransomware is malware created by cybercriminals to encrypt all the contents of a victim’s computer. All encrypted files will remain locked until a ransom is paid. Therefore files with .derp extension are encrypted and these files cannot be used.
Files encrypted with .derp extension
Files encrypted with ‘.derp’ extension
Derp is a new version of the STOP ransomware and was recently discovered by researchers. Like previous versions, it distributed using key generators, adware, fake cracked software, and torrents. Upon execution, Derp drops a new folder in the Windows system directory and copies itself there. The ransomware configures the Windows OS in such a way as to start the file encryption process automatically when you turn on or restart the computer. Also, during its initialization, the ransomware tries to contact its “Command and Control” (C&C) server in order to receive additional commands from it and transmit information about the infected computer. If it was possible to contact the C&C, then the ransomware will use so called ‘online key’, if the connection to the C&C has not been established, it uses so called ‘offline key’. After that, the ransomware begins to encrypt files. Everything that is on local, external devices, network drives, and cloud storage will be encrypted. The ransomware skips, that is, does not encrypt files with the name ‘_readme.txt’, as well as with the extension .sys, .bat, .dll, .lnk, .ini. That is, files with any extensions will be encrypted, including those often used as:
.xlsx, .odp, .xyp, .sr2, .asset, .zip, .bc7, .wp, .bc6, .bkf, .jpeg, .dng, .der, .forge, .xll, .wps, .lbf, .xld, .mdbackup, .iwd, .raf, .gdb, .x3f, .cas, .wn, .wmd, .wri, .wsd, .wire, .wmf, .rtf, .zw, .xmind, .dmp, .png, .ztmp, .map, .ff, .erf, .z, .xy3, .yml, .xdl, .t13, .x, .rgss3a, .wp5, .wdp, .x3d, .sum, .xxx, .xlgc, .xpm, .wpg, .accdb, .odb, .ntl, .srw, .hvpl, .epk, .sb, .cfr, .wpd, .esm, .xlsb, .pem, .vfs0, .wotreplay, .mpqge, .wp7, .psk, .hplg, .db0, .pst, .1st, .t12, .sidd, .mp4, .arw, .xls, .xlsm, .xls, .ltx, .pef, .avi, .m2, .odm, .zip, .zif, .cer, .rar, .wgz, .kdc, .pkpass, .ods, .pfx, .wbm, .zabw, .w3x, .wp6, .docx, .das, .pdd, .py, .m3u, .wma, .lvl, .rb, .css, .kdb, .mdb, .wpb, .zi, .ws, .pptx, .dxg, .wot, .wbc, .xlsx, .vdf, .mov, .itm, wallet, .fpk, .raw, .wbd, .bik, .rw2, .doc, .wpe, .3fr, .dwg, .csv, .wpt, .ibank, .d3dbsp, .dba, .psd, .zdc, .p7b, .wbz, .mlx, .pak, .wpw, .wma, .z3d, .mrwref, .xlsm, .wbmp, .mddata, .qic, .sidn, .ncf, .webp, .qdf, .wav, .xar, .indd, .sid, .webdoc, .bkp, .srf, .cr2, .blob, .ybk, .snx, .2bp, .bar, .r3d, .xdb, .hkdb, .rwl, .vpp_pc, .upk, .wmv, .wpa, .wcf, .iwi, .xlk, .xbdoc, .desc, .p7c, .nrw, .slm, .flv, .1, .orf, .wsc, .fos, .odt, .yal, .wdb, .dazip, .0, .vpk, .7z, .tax, .ai, .big, .svg, .sie, .sql, .lrf, .xml, .ppt, .wbk, .re4, .xbplate, .ysp, .jpg, .ptx, .wm
The encryption process is very fast. Derp ransomware encrypts files directory by directory, file by file. When all the files in the directory are encrypted, the ransomware drops a file named ‘_readme.txt’ into this directory and proceeds to the next directory. File ‘_readme.txt’ is a ransom demand message. An example of the contents of this file is presented below.
derp ransom note
Derp ransom note
The ransom note contains a message from Derp authors in which they report that all files were encrypted and the only way to decrypt them is to pay a ransom. Attackers demand a ransom of $490. If the ransom is not paid within 72 hours, then its size increases to $980. In order to verify the possibility of decryption, as well as to get the address where to pay the ransom, cyber criminals left two email addresses. Of course, there is no guarantee that after paying the ransom they will provide the victim with a key and a decryptor, which are necessary for decrypting the files.

Threat Summary

TypeRansomware, Crypto virus, File locker, Filecoder, Crypto malware
Encrypted files extension.derp
Ransom note_readme.txt
Contactgorentos@bitmessage.ch, salesrestoresoftware@firemail.cc, salesrestoresoftware@gmail.com
Ransom amount$490,$980 if paid after 72 hours
Detection NamesTrojan/RansomWin32.Stop, Ransom.Win32.STOP, Trojan/TR.Crypt, W32Kryptik
SymptomsFiles encrypted with .derp extension. Your photos, documents and music fail to open. Files named such as ‘_readme.txt’, or ‘_readme.txt” in every folder with an encrypted file.
Distribution waysMalicious spam , Torrents, Exploit kits, Adware, Social media, Cracks, RDP hacking.
RemovalTo remove Derp ransomware use the removal guide
Decryptionfree Derp decryptor
Unfortunately, the message in file ‘_readme.txt’ that the encrypted files cannot be decrypted is true. In this, cyber criminals do not deceive their victims. Derp ransomware uses a strong encryption algorithm to encrypt files, which blocks the ability to decrypt them without a unique key, which is in the hands of attackers. Despite this, the researchers created a free decryptor that can decrypt files in some cases. The ability to decrypt files has already been confirmed, as it has already helped victims to unlock their data. There are also several other methods that give a small chance to recover data located in encrypted files. Read more about the free decryptor and how to restore encrypted files to their original state in the next part of this article.

You cannot start decryption or recovery of encrypted files without first making sure that the ransomware is completely removed. This is simply dangerous, as it can lead to the fact that the recovered or decrypted files will again become the target of ransomware attack and will be encrypted. Moreover, the contents of any drive connected to the infected computer will also be encrypted. To remove Derp, you need to identify and stop its active process, find and delete all its files and folders. Doing it manually is not always easy for the average user. Therefore, we recommend using malware removal tools. Below we list some of the most popular. You can find more free removal utilities here. Each of which has a fast scanner, can detect and remove various security threats, including ransomware, trojans, worms, adware, browser hijackers and other malware

How to remove Derp with Zemana

Zemana AntiMalware is a program that we recommend using to completely remove Derp from your computer. It can remove not only ransomware, but also other malware, such as spyware, trojans, worms, adware, browser hijackers and so on. The big plus of this program is that it is easy to use for an average user. The program is small in size and can be quickly installed. Immediately after installation, it will automatically update itself and begin a full computer scan. The malware found can be removed for free by clicking one button.
Download Zemana from the following link. Save it on your Windows desktop.
Zemana AntiMalware
Author: Zemana Ltd
Category: Security tools
Update: July 16, 2019
After the downloading process is complete, close all software and windows on your computer. Double-click the install file named Zemana.AntiMalware.Setup. If the “User Account Control” dialog box pops up as shown on the screen below, click the “Yes” button.
Zemana Anti Malware (ZAM) uac
It will open the “Setup wizard” that will help you install Zemana Anti-Malware (ZAM) on your machine. Follow the prompts and do not make any changes to default settings.
Zemana AntiMalware Setup Wizard
Once installation is complete successfully, Zemana will automatically start and you can see its main screen as displayed in the figure below.
Now click the “Scan” button to perform a system scan with this tool for Derp ransomware, other malware, worms and trojans. Depending on your system, the scan can take anywhere from a few minutes to close to an hour. While the Zemana Free program is checking, you may see how many objects it has identified as threat.
Zemana Free detect Derp crypto virus, other malware, worms and trojans
When Zemana AntiMalware (ZAM) completes the scan, it will show the Scan Results. Make sure to check mark the threats that are unsafe and then press “Next” button. The Zemana Anti Malware (ZAM) will delete Derp related folders,files and registry keys. Once finished, you may be prompted to restart the PC system.

Remove Derp with HitmanPro

HitmanPro is a very popular malware removal tool and certainly one of the best utilites to remove ransomware, adware, spyware, trojans, worms and other security threats. It has a large threat database, which is automatically updated every time the program starts. Hitman Pro does not require installation and therefore can be very useful when you need to remove ransomware quickly.
First, please go to the link below, then click the ‘Download’ button in order to download the latest version of HitmanPro.
Author: Sophos
Category: Security tools
Update: June 28, 2018
Download and use HitmanPro on your PC system. Once started, click “Next” button for checking your machine for Derp ransomware. This procedure can take some time, so please be patient. During the scan HitmanPro will locate threats exist on your PC.
When the scanning is complete, you can check all threats detected on your computer.
Once you have selected what you wish to remove from your PC click Next button.
It will show a prompt, press the “Activate free license” button to begin the free 30 days trial to remove all malicious software found.

Remove Derp virus with Kaspersky virus removal tool

Kaspersky virus removal tool (KVRT) is free and easy to use. Although free, KVRT has a very good reputation, as it is based on the core of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. It does not need to be installed and uses minimal system resources while running. Just run and let it do its job.
Download Kaspersky virus removal tool from the following link.
Kaspersky virus removal tool
Author: Kaspersky® lab
Category: Security tools
Update: March 5, 2018
Once the downloading process is finished, double-click on the KVRT icon. Once initialization procedure is done, you will see the Kaspersky virus removal tool screen as shown in the following example.
KVRT main window
Click Change Parameters and set a check near all your drives. Click OK to close the Parameters window. Next click Start scan button for checking your PC system for Derp and other malicious software. While the KVRT program is scanning, you can see how many objects it has identified as threat.
KVRT scanning
When Kaspersky virus removal tool completes the scan, KVRT will display you the results as shown in the figure below.
Kaspersky virus removal tool scan report
When you’re ready, click on Continue to start a cleaning task.

How to decrypt .derp files

As we already reported above, all files that have the extension ‘.derp’ are encrypted, their contents cannot be unlocked simply by deleting the extension or renaming the files. Fortunately, Emsisoft created a free decryptor that aims to decrypt files encrypted with ransomware belonging to STOP DJVU family.
STOP Djvu decryptor
STOP Djvu decryptor
How to decrypt .derp files with free decryptor:
  • Open the page STOP Djvu decryptor.
  • Scroll down to ‘New Djvu ransomware’ section.
  • Click the download link and save the decrypt_STOPDjvu.exe file to your desktop.
  • Run decrypt_STOPDjvu.exe, read the license terms and instructions.
  • On the ‘Decryptor’ tab, using the ‘Add a folder’ button, add the directory or disk where the encrypted files are located.
  • Click the ‘Decrypt’ button.
Unfortunately, this decryptor cannot decrypt files in all cases of ransomware infection. At the moment, you can ony decrypt files that were encrypted with offline key. If the files were encrypted with an online key, then such files cannot be decrypted.
How to determine which key Derp used to encrypt the files. First of all, you can look at the Personal ID that is given in the ‘_readme.txt’ file (ransom note). Another way, look on disk ‘C’ for ‘SystemID\PersonalID.txt’ file. This is a file in which Derp ransomware stores the Personal IDs used for encryption.
derp personal id
Personal ID is highlighted here
If there is an ID ending in ‘t1’, then you are lucky, your files are encrypted using an offline key, and when researchers find this key, you can decrypt your files. In this case, to decrypt the files, you need to use the STOP Djvu Ransomware Decryptor linked above. If your Personal ID does not end with ‘t1’, then the ransomware used an online key. Even so, there is little chance of recovering encrypted files. This method will be discussed in the next part of the article.

How to restore .derp files

If the free decryptor skips encrypted files, saying that it cannot decrypt the files, then most likely these files are encrypted with an online key or an offline key has not yet been found. In this case, you still have a small chance to recover your files. We recommend that you try using data recovery tools. Be sure to check your computer for malware before trying them. You have to be completely sure that Derp ransomware has been removed

Recover .derp encrypted files using Shadow Explorer

One of the ways to restore encrypted files to their original state is to restore them from their Shadow copies. Shadow Volume Copies are copies of files that Windows OS automatically saved as part of system protection. This is just a fantastic feature and makes it easy to recover all files. Unfortunately, in most cases, ransomware remove Shadow copies, but in some cases of ransomware infection they remain untouched.
Download Shadow Explorer from the following link. Save it on your Desktop.
Author: ShadowExplorer.com
Category: Security tools
Update: September 15, 2019
When the downloading process is complete, extract the downloaded file to a folder on your PC. This will create the necessary files as on the image below.
ShadowExplorer folder
Start the ShadowExplorerPortable application. Now choose the date (2) that you wish to recover from and the drive (1) you wish to recover files (folders) from as on the image below.
restore encrypted files with ShadowExplorer tool
On right panel navigate to the file (folder) you wish to restore. Right-click to the file or folder and press the Export button as displayed in the following example.
ShadowExplorer recover .derp files
And finally, specify a directory (your Desktop) to save the shadow copy of encrypted file and click ‘OK’ button.

Recover .derp files with PhotoRec

The last option to recover encrypted files is to use data recovery tools. These utilites can be used since the files that were deleted didn’t actually disappear, but simply were marked as ‘deleted’ and hidden from the computer user. Data recovery tools look for such files and restore access to them. Although this method does not guarantee the recovery of all encrypted files, you may be able to recover at least some of them. To find and restore files, we recommend using a program that is called PhotoRec. It has all the necessary functions and is completely free.
Download PhotoRec by clicking on the following link. Save it on your Windows desktop or in any other place.
Author: CGSecurity
Category: Security tools
Update: March 1, 2018
Once downloading is finished, open a directory in which you saved it. Right click to testdisk-7.0.win and choose Extract all. Follow the prompts. Next please open the testdisk-7.0 folder as displayed on the screen below.
testdisk photorec folder
Double click on qphotorec_win to run PhotoRec for MS Windows. It’ll open a screen as on the image below.
PhotoRec for windows
Choose a drive to recover as shown below.
photorec choose drive
You will see a list of available partitions. Choose a partition that holds encrypted photos, documents and music as displayed on the image below.
photorec select partition
Click File Formats button and choose file types to recover. You can to enable or disable the restore of certain file types. When this is finished, click OK button.
PhotoRec file formats
Next, click Browse button to choose where recovered files should be written, then click Search.
Count of restored files is updated in real time. All recovered personal files are written in a folder that you have selected on the previous step. You can to access the files even if the recovery process is not finished.
When the restore is finished, press on Quit button. Next, open the directory where recovered personal files are stored. You will see a contents as displayed in the figure below.
PhotoRec - result of recovery
All recovered personal files are written in recup_dir.1, recup_dir.2 … sub-directories. If you are searching for a specific file, then you can to sort your recovered files by extension and/or date/time.

How to protect your computer from Derp ransomware?

Most modern antivirus programs already have ransomware protection. But this protection is not always effective enough. As an additional layer of protection, we recommend using HitmanPro.Alert. It is a fantastic tool to protect your computer from any ransomware. If ransomware is detected, then HitmanPro.Alert automatically neutralizes malware and restores the encrypted files.
HitmanPro.Alert can be downloaded from the following link. Save it on your Windows desktop.
Author: Sophos
Category: Security tools
Update: March 6, 2019
Once the download is finished, open the directory in which you saved it. You will see an icon like below.
HitmanPro.Alert file icon
Double click the HitmanPro Alert desktop icon. When the tool is launched, you’ll be displayed a window where you can choose a level of protection, as shown on the image below.
HitmanPro.Alert install
Now click the Install button to activate the protection.

To sum up

We hope that this instruction helped everyone to find answers to questions: How to remove ransomware, how to restore or decrypt .derp files. If you have questions or need additional help, write to us.

الاثنين، 28 أكتوبر 2019

أكتوبر 28, 2019

TUTORIEL Conceptronic C54APM en mode client

TUTORIEL Conceptronic C54APM en mode client
conceptronic wireless 54mbps broadband router c54brs4

Dans les images, les étapes à suivre par les problèmes d'espace et de
 visualisation sont expliquées, pour pouvoir les voir en taille réelle, il suffit de cliquer sur l'image désirée ou d'enregistrer sous.
1ère étape
2ème étape
3ème étape
4ème étape

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